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Bad weather scenario

Circumstances may arise where it is not possible to travel to competitions.

If this is due to weather conditions, the NBB uses a so-called “Bad weather scenario”. 

Below are a few examples along with the actions that the trainer must take.

Your competition secretary is the first point of contact!



Not enough players available

Try to arrange additional players in consultation with the other teams.
Everyone is allowed to fill in for higher teams (U12 can play at U14), not the other way around. Within the age category one may never fall lower than one's own level.

A No Show (NO) will be recorded with the team. Opponent wins the match 20-0, and possibly a fine from the NBB.

Not enough transport available

Try to arrange transport, so that the match can be played. If there is really not enough transport and the match cannot be started with at least 5 players, you must inform the match secretary.

A No Show (NO) will be recorded with the team. Opponent wins the match 20-0, and possibly a fine from the NBB.

Breakdown on the road / accident

First make sure you and your passengers are safe, and alert emergency services if necessary!
If, because of this situation, the match cannot be played or can be started on time, bring your match secretary as soon as possible so that he can inform the opponent and the association.

The situation will be assessed by the NBB. They will make a decision according to their findings.

You end up in an unexpected traffic jam

If it becomes clear that you will not be able to meet the start time of the match, please contact the match secretary as soon as possible.
He will then notify the opponent of your delay.
Continue to your destination, depending on the possibilities and the leniency of your opponent, the match may still be played.

The situation will be assessed by the NBB. They will make a decision according to their findings.

You cannot drive due to weather conditions

If, for example, snow or sleet makes it impossible to drive, you must contact your race secretary as soon as possible. He will inform the opponent and the NBB of the situation.

The situation will be assessed by the NBB in accordance with the Calamity Procedure NBB. They will make a decision according to their findings.

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